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Friday, 15 February 2013


Looking at our society and world, we find that there is no shortage of malady. The force of good and evil, of right and wrong, of truth and lies and of light and darkness battle for control of our world. At times,  those who have a good intention for our society find themselves hopeless. For instance, in the face of corruption, the fall of morals, prejudice etc, it is easy or reasonable to think there is nothing that can be done to change the status quo, so good things are allowed to go down the drain and the bad flourish. Looking back the lives of those who have made positive changes in the world and have left their mark, we discover that they didn’t sit down and watch evil cover the earth. Though they had chances or perhaps reasons to do nothing, but they didn’t. They were filled with a sense of responsibility to humanity. Men like Martin Luther Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi etc arose and said no to the evil of their time and recreated the society in which we are now enjoying. This is how good history makers we know about operated.

The ills of our society are many and we must not allow that to continue without a fight that will bring it to it end, we are placed in our different countries by God to make a difference and not sit to complain or just criticize. Arise and start doing something.

          For those who believe we can’t stop the tide of evil covering our land and to those who believe that we can but don’t know how, I have got news for you, there is something we can do, that is – putting on our lights and letting it shine as Jesus Christ said, and doing good. Start from where you are and put your light on. Light overcomes darkness and good overcomes evil. Being propelled by a strong sense of responsibility and purpose, concerted and strategic steps must be taken to shine our lights and do good, this will counter, and repel the evil tide of our society…. More on that in subsequent posts.

Elijah E. Okon
116 Crew

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Thanks for your message, we really appreciate it.