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Sunday, 17 February 2013


      Ø  The wrong definition of success: Many people think that being successful is a one day job and that it costs nothing. That’s totally wrong; you can’t drive a car without first fueling it, knowing that the car can’t move without a gasoline. And if you notice, people with this kind of mentality are easily enticed to do whatsoever it takes to succeed. Now what is success? Success is the achievement of something planned or attempted. This definition simply means that you can’t just wake up in the morning and say to yourself “I must succeed in life!” without first having a master plan on how to succeed, and then achieving what you’ve planned. You must erase the wrong mentality of success out from your mind and brain, in other not to fail in life. Don’t listen to lazy people - your friends, loved ones, and even mentors that might want to push you away from the reality of life. If you must succeed and not fail, there are some very strong rules or principles you must follow. We will not go into that here. Those rules or principle will be discussed in our subsequent posts in a different article.

Ø  Lack of action: I always say to myself “I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.”  Powerful words, isn’t it? In my primary school years, my class teacher was often fond of saying these words of encouragement: “My children, action speaks louder than words. If you must pass in my class, I want to see you taking action by reading and studying your books. She always says these words completely serious leaving no space for play. That was my teacher for you. However, we keep on dreaming about success, but never a time are we acting on what we planned to do. The truth of the matter is that we always know the right thing to do but the hard part is doing it. That’s bad! “With slight efforts how can we obtain great results? It is foolish even to desire it” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Sitting down, walking around, sleeping, resting, enjoying and at the same time expecting success is completely impossible, remember that great men always take actions in other to achieve their goals. To be among great men you must learn not to sleep, sit, rest, enjoy, and walk but instead activate the word ‘ACTION’ and you will see tremendous changes in the pursuit for success and greatness. Think like a king or queen and not as a mediocre or a servant who waits for orders; be the one giving the orders to yourself. In the battle field, orders are the key priority; when once the commander in charge gives an order, it must be carried out immediately. Could you imagine the kind of trouble if the orders are not taken? It will be disastrous to the entire battalion and the word defeat (failure) will be written on their faces. That is what happens when action is not taken in anything that must be done. And finally, many times when we have the opportunity to act we often procrastinate, according to Denis Waitly: “procrastination is the fear of success, people procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, it carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to progress and live on the ‘someday-I’ll philosophy’” If you are this type of person, unfortunately, failure stands at your door waiting to come in unopposed, fight failure don’t give it space, take charge, take action. “We have to understand that the world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.” – Jacob Bronowski. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE, MAKE HASTE BEFORE THE SUN RISES! TAKE ACTION TODAY, DON’T BE SCARED!              

Till then!!

Enoch E. Okon

116 Crew


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