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Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Projecting a commanding presence is somehow related to charisma, which is, according to The American Heritage Dictionary, “the rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm”

Developing that sort of presence isn’t something you can learn from a workshop or self-help book. It’s more a way of being than anything you do--- the way you act does enhance you may not be the sort of speaker who will “arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm” But you can make yourself more attractive to audiences.

Everything that makes you unique from your appearance to your beliefs, your experience, and sense of humor can be used in a way that wins you people’s attention and respect. Don’t imitate anyone, even dynamic leaders you admire.

If you worry about making a fool of yourself or if you second guess your every word and gesture. You’ll crush your natural enthusiasm and attractiveness.

Reach out across the space, whether you’re speaking to a few people in your office or to a jammed auditorium and touch people emotionally and intellectually. Don’t talk at them. Have a conversation with them. Show them you care.

Mystics throughout the ages eastern and western have taught what sports psychologist and peak-performance coaches are only lately discovering. Attending to the way you breathe is the best way to project a powerful presence.

Charismatic leaders are not easily swayed or pushed about. They stand their ground. The same is true for speakers. Plant your feet. Imagine that you’re rooted to the earth and that its strength flows through you.

  • CARE
Don’t try to be impressive. And don’t worry about your image. Be concerned about the people in your audience and their hopes and needs. Help them solve their problems, achieve their  goals, or fulfill their dream and your image will take care of itself.
Source: Podium Power by Chris Witts, PHD 

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