Welcome to today’s mediation with verse 12 of our scripture
as a strong emphasis: “…for they measuring themselves with themselves are not
wise…” The Holy Ghost wants to remind you to note the following:
- Imitation is limitation. You can’t rise above the person or people you are copying or envying. The best you can be is number two to that person! Reject that!
- You are peculiar (special and dedicated).
- Pay the price to hear from God and dare to be different.
- Don’t be a stranger to yourself! Love yourself: Stop comparing yourself to others. Paul says it is not wise. (That means, it’s stupid and foolish).
In BBC news
commentary years ago, about 4,000 out of 10,000 languages were said to have
been lost or extinct in the world to English Language. And of this number,
about 45 of the former USSR (Russian) languages were involved. Austria and
Latin America too, have lost a considerable part of their languages to the
English language. Imagine people losing their God – given languages, gifts or
talents to pick another person’s language, gift or talent. Listen: A tree
without its root will die someday. God did not make a mistake making you an
African, an American or an Asian, e.t.c. He is all – wise and your destiny will
not be wasted in His perfect plan.
Don’t pity yourself or despise your present status and don’t
think others are better than you, no matter what. From Job 8:7, it clear that:
Those that despise small beginnings never live to experience their great
endings. Hear John L. Mason: “ When you try to be like someone else, the best
you can ever be is number two.” That is
not the portion for you and your family because your God says you will be the
Head and not the tail (see Deut 28: 13). There are periods when to dare to be
different, s the highest wisdom. Stop imitating anybody because YOU ARE LOADED,
SPECIAL AND UNCOMMON! Discover yourself, focus on your focus and the world will
make you their focus!
Source: Our Daily Manner (A daily Christian devotional)
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