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Friday, 3 January 2014


When Google dreamt of Nexus 5 – one of their latest phones, nobody cared about it. In fact, people never had much interest. The reason for this was not far fetch – the masses are tired of hearing about peoples’ dream.
All of a sudden, Apple came to talk about Retina iPad mini, the world was still going their way. ‘After all, it was one of those noises made by this big telecommunication industries’ – people said.
On the face of the earth, dreams are regarded as noises; don’t know of Mercury or Jupiter. That’s why nobody celebrates dreams; all we celebrate is RESULT – the interpreted dream. Until your dream become tangible, it lacks authority and influence.
Over the years, I have had interaction with young people and I have come to know that:
·      It is easier to dream than to interpret one.
·      Anybody can dream, that’s the truth; but not everybody can interpret dreams!
·    You don’t need to close your eyes a second before you can dream; the biggest dreams are dreamt eyes open.
·     The beauty of wisdom is not expressed in dreams; it is in its interpretation.
Remain calm, as I share with you these 4 professional ways to make your dreams tangible:
  • Stop Dreaming: Amazing, right? But that is how it works. Too many dreams can kill. Let’s concentrate on the one you’ve already dreamt. For example: I have dreamt of publishing a book far back 2008, right?
  •  Start Interpreting: What does the dream mean? What are the resources it will need? What are the strategies I need to employ? How many people do I need to effect them? How long will it take? What are the materials I need to consult? How can professionals in the field help me?
  • Start action: All the resources you need to make that dream tangible is made available around you; just that you don’t reach out to get them. Walk up to your pastor, your mentor and an advisor. Meet a typist, a publisher, and a printer.
  • Understand time, season and environment: If you start repairing airplane in Abak, Nigeria in April, you will loose heavily. Retina iPad Mini was launched November 2013; October 2013, Nexus 5 was launched in America – The ‘when and why’ of this launching had its basis to this subject matter.
I charge you to start fulfilling your dreams; this is when the world will respect you.
To your success,
Ekemini Thompson

Like to salute you for finding time to go through this piece! As I have always said, it will leave you 5 times better than you already are. Just stay put…


  1. Toyin Frank (jr)22 January 2014 at 12:05

    Now this is an awesome post by you guys Tahm. Keep it up!

  2. Toyin thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. Keep coming back.


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