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Sunday 5 January 2014

GOAL SETTING: The Achiever’s Weapon.


Welcome dear readers! Happy 2014, it a New Year, new beginning, new hopes etc… and am sure you are well prepared for it. This is our first article of 2014 and as you know it talks about Goal Setting, and this is not the first time we talked about this topic here on TAHM, we talked about it last year and I feel we need it to begin this year if only you want to be a History Maker. I won’t talk much so that you won’t get bored, so go ahead and read this new article and get yourself motivated. Enjoy!

Someone said, goals are visions with feet. A goal is specifically defined as the object of an ambition or effort and they refer to your ultimate destination in life! But note that every goal, desire or vision stands to be notable failure, if planning (writing down the goal), is not employed. Goal  setting early in the year like this, will deliver you from crisis management later! When you set goals, a journey of six months can be reduced to six days.
Goal setting will accelerate your time of manifestation and will simplify your decision – making processes this  year! Goal setting can make you live longer because it tones up mental and physical health. This is the reason why some people die soon after retirement, because they have stopped setting goals for themselves! Goal setting will keep you from self – praise, pride and deception. GET A PEN AND PAPER AND SET YOUR GOALS! Work out your goals if necessary quarter–by – quarter throughout the year. It is not a one-time exercise. It is an ongoing discipline throughout the year. You may need to modify as the year advances. Your goals must remain permanent. Note that even God changed His pans and methods concerning man when it became necessary. CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION IF NECESSARY, BUT NOT YOUR DESTINATION! Set high goals for yourself this year! Don’t be satisfied with average performance. Crave for nothing but the best and the best you will get because your turning point has come!  

Source: Our Daily Manner (Jan – March 2014).

Yes dear readers what you have read above is very true, it has been tested and tried by so many people including me and my pals and I tell you it worked for us. I can proudly sit down and count the numbers of achievements I had last year and be very proud of myself, thanks to GOAL SETTING! It is one thing to have a goal another thing to set a goal, many people lack this ability to set goals, but I tell you it easy. We have an article also on how to set goals it is called: 13 Steps on How to Set Goals, read it feel free to ask any questions on any topic here on TAHM because we are here to make History Makers. Once again Happy 2014!

Enoch Etim

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